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Update on Gordon

8 Apr

Update on Gordon

I haven’t really had a chance to post anything about my dad.  Well the good thing is, he is out of the coma and should make a full recovery…the bad thing is, it could take years.  He knows everyone around him, he remembers the day before he went into the coma – but he’s missing like one week from his memory.

When he first came out of the coma he couldn’t talk or anything.  We were stunned that he even opened his eyes since the doctor said he has pretty much no chance.  I mean I always hear all the stories about “miracles” and all the bullshit, but I  know hundreds if not thousands of people (not to mention 4-5 religions) were praying for him.  I’ve never been very religious.  I’m so skeptical about the whole thing.  Anyways, The doctors were dumbfounded when they saw my dad with his eyes open, even more when he started to say a few words, now it’s been a little over a week since he opened his eyes and he can tell you exactly what he wants, when he wants it.  He has a hard time moving his tongue around so it’s a little bit hard to understand him when he talks.  Everyday he makes tremendous progress in his speech, swallowing, breathing and basic motor skills.

He seems to get aggravated with everyone he sees (especially if he knows them) he says to me: ” this is fucking bullshit, you piece of shit, you’re not helping me, I’m fucking hungry, why did you put me here?…” but I can deal with that…it’s better than lying there lifeless… he’ll get over it.  I can’t feed him or give him and water because he can’t swallow.  It’s an involuntary muscle that closes your trachea so food can go down the esophagus and into the stomach instead of the lungs.  They feed him through an IV, but that doesn’t satisfy his appetite or thirst. He got a gastrostomy today which is a feeding tube in your stomach, but it’s only temporary.  Hopefully next week, we will get him into a rehab close to the house.

I had really lost all hope, but thanks to everyone who prayed, a miracle brought my daddy from a “vegetated state” to “alive & kicking”

Happy Birthday Daddy!

24 Mar

Today is my daddy’s birthday!  He’s 43

I found him yesterday, lying in bed.  He was foaming at the mouth.  When I touched him he was so hot, I didn’t know what to do.  I was scared, worried, nervous, confused, angry…every negative feeling you could think of- I was feeling.  I wanted someone to blame so bad…but the reality of it is, it’s no one’s fault.

I knew this day would come, but not this soon.  It was just Saturday morning that he was here, at my apartment with me.  Happy, laughing, singing, joking…  He has diabetes, but he doesn’t take care of himself.  When he eats, he eats candy, doughnuts, cookies, cereal…I have to remind him EVERYDAY to take his shot (insulin) to regulate his glucose (sugar).  How can you forget to take your shot, you have to do it every day?  -That’s what I wondered.  But he was a kid at heart. In his mind…he had no worry in the world…he loved to work.  He’s a master electrician.  That’s all he ever did work, work, work…

My Oma (Grandmother) is in Germany.  She is coming on an emergency flight and will be back tomorrow night.  She’s going to be heartbroken.  Her baby…he’s not okay.  He has tubes coming out of every hole…he can’t breathe on his own.  He’s in a coma, he hasn’t come out.  He may not.  I went to the emergency room the first day when they brought him…when he started throwing up blood, I couldn’t watch anymore.  I couldn’t take it.  Seeing my daddy like that.  He doesn’t want to be like that.  I know the nurses are taking good care of him though.  He’s in ICU now.  I can’t even type, I can’t think…everything comes out and I’m worried about my grammar, my spelling, my tone, dialect… but nothing makes sense as I’m typing it.  I just hope someone will understand it.

I left the hospital yesterday and I came home and cried myself to sleep.   I woke up and knew that I would cry myself to death if I kept on.  So I took a shower, made a sandwich, and went back to spend time with my dad.  The Neurologist hasn’t finished reading the EEG report, but he isn’t brain dead.  He’s brain activity is “unusual” whatever the fuck that means.  No one will tell me.  He was squeezing my hand when I was holding it!  Like he knew I was there…He knows I love him.  But I feel guilty now.  Because I feel like I should be crying and I’m not.  I have no more tears in my eyes.  I almost don’t feel any more pain.  I don’t want to stop feeling it though.  Even though I hate being sad, I don’t want to become oblivious to everything around me.  It’s happening, it’s real…I can’t block it out.  So now I am waiting… just waiting for something, anything to happen.  So I’ll just hope for the best, and be prepared for the worst.

Ashli: “Daddy…I don’t know if I believe in God anymore…”

Gordon: “Well…there has to be SOMETHING. Wouldn’t you rather die believing, and find out there is no God…than die NOT believe, and find out there was?”

Ashli: “Well, when you put it that way, I would rather believe.”

Gordon: “Than believe, what do you have to lose?”

Earth Hour

23 Mar

Eiffel Tower, left (AP); Eiffel Tower during Earth Hour (AP)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Earth hour was conceived by WWF and The Sydney Morning Herald in 2007, when 2.2 million residents of Sydney participated by turning off all non-essential lights.[1] Following Sydney’s lead, many other cities around the world adopted the event in 2008.[2][3] Earth Hour 2010 took place on March 27, 2010 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at the participant’s respective local time.

London Bridge

London Bridge

How London Bridge will look during Earth Hour. (Photos: World Wildlife Fund)

Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas

Las Vegas’ Flamingo Hotel usually has a well-lit marquee featuring the current show

Flamingo Hotel Las Vegas

But during Earth Hour, the Flamingo will go dark. (Photos: World Wildlife Fund)

Nashville’s riverfront glows on a typical night


Nashville makes a stand on climate change during Earth Hour.
(Photos: World Wildlife Fund)

Dallas Copper Bandits (Extremely Graphic)

21 Mar

Careful. This is VERY graphic, but it’s a good study in what electricity can do – if you are stupid

Downtown Dallas job over the weekend. They were trying to pull a hot 13,200 volt copper wire out of a conduit. Note the bolt cutter and the copper wire on the ground. It still stinks out here! How the hell can they not know that this sub-station was super hot? No problem – they won’t bother one again!

So if you are stupid enough to fuck with hot wire, you’re a fucking dumbass.  I have no empathy for you.  It looks like only one of the guys was doing it and then the other tried to grab his friend…DON’T DO THIS! IF SOMEONE IS GETTING ELECTROCUTED, DO NOT GRAB THEM-IF THEY ARE HUNG UP ON A STRAIGHT CONNECTION, HIT THEM WITH A STICK.  YOU WILL GET HUNG UP WITH THEM IF YOU COME INTO CONTACT WITH THEM. And for those of you (won’t mention any names) that I know that use a butter knife, saw-zaw blade, fork, or whatever to steal your electricity…You think you know what you’re doing but you have no fucking idea!

So now, if you die-or get electrocuted- don’t say you didn’t know.

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Spring Cleaning:Beautiful Interiors to Inspire You

20 Mar

Beautiful Stair Case Design

The Art of Recycling

scorpion mouse

Contemporary Products

multi-wick-creative-candle-designoval round rugsCreative Furniture

creative bookshelves13creative bookshelves01


WTF Wednesday: Fashion FAILS

17 Mar

Fashion Fail - Nuclear Energy Personified

I’m seriously starting to think I don’t want to have children.

If my child turned out like this…i would Fucking Kill Myself.

what the hell is wrong with you?

Fashion Fail - He Misunderstood Platform

Wait!? So you’re telling me that everyone is going about theirbusiness; Like they haven’t noticed there is a Queer-Pedophile-Drag-Monstrosity with a beard and black Stripper-Shoes sitting in the same room as them?

Fashion Fail - Singing Telegram Reject

Oh my dear, God.  i just threw up in my mouth.


who the fuck are you supposed to be? Rainbow Brite?

Fashion Fail - Public... Rabbit... Yoga? ...What?

….watch out, Easter is right around the corner.  And when you take your kid to the park for an Easter egg hunt, and this guy will be waiting to kid nap your kids from the bushes…

The Runner Up For Housewife Of The Year

Modern Day Buddah that’s gay and retarded?

12 Mar

Today is going to be a positive day…I’m going to be nice, productive, considerate and understanding.  Who the hell am I kidding?  The minute I see the initials “CLT” on the report I’m about to proofread, I cringe inside.  Don’t forget I’m referring to someone who hands me a job that has so many incorrect spellings that a 6 year old could do better.  The funniest thing about it is…I give it back to her to correct (after I have written in ALL of the correct information, letter-by-letter, commas, periods, dates and all)and she fucking reprints it out and hands it back.  You’ve got to be fucking kidding me right?  It’s not a joke…she knows she can get away with it, but hey I work with idiots.  What can I say?  I thought I was learning to be patient- I realize now that I actually just don’t give a shit anymore.

So Crystal-I just wanted to let you know…I can’t find the words to explain how fucking

stupid you are, which in return makes me feel fucking stupid, you fucking asshole.  I was just realizing…they say that ignorance is bliss…and that totally explains why you’re so happy.  You’ve been working here for 3 YEARS! I’ve been here for 9 months…you’ve been in typing 4 times.  You just don’t get it.  You’re good at scanning, so you should keep doing that because either you are doing this on purpose to piss me off, or you are just not smart enough to understand it.  It’s okay.

        I remember learning in rehab (like 5 years ago) to use “I feel” statements to express my feelings to others…well I tried and what do you know, it never worked.  It made me feel like an idiot.  But, I really don’t give a fuck anymore so I am going to do it for CLT: 

I feel enraged when you disregard the corrections I give you.

In the future, I would appreciate it if you would pull your thumb out of your ass and do your job.

I know that won’t do anything, since she will probably never see this… but anyways

Sorry for rambling but you know how I get with these people!!!

Baby Animals

11 Mar

Yorkie Puppy

Baby Sloth




Baby Bunny

Dachshund Puppy





3 Little Pigs


Tiny Monkey









Baby Birdie


Albino Koala




Awesome Wallpaper

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The Bride of Christ and Blasphemy

7 Mar

Cheryl ThebrideofChrist wrote at 11:16am

you people are so silly ….you don’t run nothing but your mouths, you are like dope deals taking over a corner where you don’t live or own anything… sad that you act like children… da boss around here ….we so scared of you…..oh don’t hurt me…please….not!!!!!!

Post #301

Ashli Anne Morgan wrote at 7:31pm

you would know about dope deal,s wouldn’t you Cheryl?

Post #302

Ashli Anne Morgan wrote at 8:30pm

Oh and Cheryl… I think you are Satanic/Demonic and you are committing the NEXT worst thing to the Unforgivable Sin….

for those that don’t know what the only unforgivable sin in Christianity is….

Matthew 12:22-32 says:”Then there was brought to Him a demon-possessed man who was blind and dumb, and He healed him, so that the dumb man spoke and saw. 23And all the multitudes were amazed, and began to say, “This man cannot be the Son of David, can he?” 24But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, “This man casts out demons only by Beelzebub the ruler of the demons.” 25And knowing their thoughts He said to them, “Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand. 26″And if Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom stand? 27″And if I by Beelzebub cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out? Consequently they shall be your judges. 28″But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 29″Or how can anyone enter the strong man’s house and carry off his property, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. 30″He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me scatters. 31″Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. 32″And whoever shall speak a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in the age to come…”

soooooo that means
It is to actually believe Christ is Satan, or is performing demonic/satanic acts as miracles. This is what Christ condemned the Pharisees with.
If you want to say blaspheme that doesn’t really say what it is .many have blaspheme God but to say the Holy spirit is Satan is to deny Christ and the word of God.

But the NEXT WORST SIN, would have to be putting yourself on the same level as God or Jesus Christ. You say that you are a christian, but ANY christian would know that Jesus Christ would deserve A 100% PURE, PERFECT WOMAN. (I’m figuratively speaking for those of you who have a low intellect, literacy rate or comprehension level) not you! and you SHOULD want him to have only the best, actually I don’t know ANY other christian woman who would EVEN THINK ONCE about being the bride of Christ. That is demonic.

Satan was thrown to suffer eternity in hell, for doing EXACTLY what you’re doing…putting himself on Gods level, and acting as God, which i think if you’re labeling yourself as the bride of Christ than sinning in a response WITH “THE BRIDE OF CHRIST” RIGHT ABOVE YOUR POST! YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT AND SHAME WILL COME UPON YOU FOR EMBARRASSING THE NAME OF THE LORD LIKE THAT!!! If you are going to represent Christ, then do it, don’t be a hypocrite.

I DO realize you may be referring to this when saying “The Bride of Christ” :

Ephesians 5:25-27 “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be Holy and without blemish.”

^The Bible refers to the Church as the bride of Christ, in whom He will return to take to His home at the rapture of the Church. But the Bible is also clear that Christ will not return for just any bride, but a specific bride. This bride is the Church body, which is made of many members. Since He is holy, He also demands that His bride be holy. Christ will return for a bride without spot or blemish!

but then still, you are calling yourself a CHURCH?! come on woman, you obviously don’t know much about your own religion, and you’re a disgrace to your church. I do have a little faith, but i have serious doubts (which is my business, please don’t add your aversions) as you can tell, i do my research. I could really careless what you do, but DONT SAY YOUR A CHRIST FOLLOWER, IF YOU ARE NOT. because a Christ follower would NEVER post the things you have posted… with the Lords name right above it, as if they are in some way congruent. you have shown me exactly what I have been pondering… can people say they are following Christ and in the same sentence damn him?… that’s what your doing, you damn him by saying that you are following him, however when you walk, you walk by the devil.

Go to church and read up on the Bible a little bit more.  Oh and pray for forgiveness, you’ll need it.

Post #303

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