Tag Archives: electricity

Copper Theives Electrocuted

7 May

okay this is in reference to my post:


I’ve been seeing alot of shit when I search google: people have this shit on their blog and say that it happened in California or Oklahoma…it’s bullshit.  So everyone who is making up a bunch of bullshit needs to learn to fucking read. It happened in downtown Dallas (that’s in Texas for those of you who haven’t caught up yet.) All the shit I see in other peoples blogs is ridiculous. That they committed suicide, were on PCP. Really, your that bored? Bored enough to make up shit you have no idea what really happened? The point is to show that you don’t have to be high, suicidal, homicidal or crazy to get killed by electricity. It is extremely dangerous.

Dallas Copper Bandits (Extremely Graphic)

21 Mar

Careful. This is VERY graphic, but it’s a good study in what electricity can do – if you are stupid

Downtown Dallas job over the weekend. They were trying to pull a hot 13,200 volt copper wire out of a conduit. Note the bolt cutter and the copper wire on the ground. It still stinks out here! How the hell can they not know that this sub-station was super hot? No problem – they won’t bother one again!

So if you are stupid enough to fuck with hot wire, you’re a fucking dumbass.  I have no empathy for you.  It looks like only one of the guys was doing it and then the other tried to grab his friend…DON’T DO THIS! IF SOMEONE IS GETTING ELECTROCUTED, DO NOT GRAB THEM-IF THEY ARE HUNG UP ON A STRAIGHT CONNECTION, HIT THEM WITH A STICK.  YOU WILL GET HUNG UP WITH THEM IF YOU COME INTO CONTACT WITH THEM. And for those of you (won’t mention any names) that I know that use a butter knife, saw-zaw blade, fork, or whatever to steal your electricity…You think you know what you’re doing but you have no fucking idea!

So now, if you die-or get electrocuted- don’t say you didn’t know.

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